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Our Expertise

We are a technology neutral solution provider, being able to create and integrate solutions across a broad range of technologies.

The question of technology is usually a concern of a service provider, and we always choose programming languages and technologies that are suitable to project size, future advancements and budget. However, we are always attentive to all your requirements and wishes, including technological preferences.

Core Development

It all starts with the basics, but even these technologies have changed over time : HTML changed fundamentally when CSS came along, and Ajax has turned the standard request - response model of Web interaction on its head. We've managed to stay on top of all these developments over the last 5 years.

HTML / XHTML CSS JavaScript/JQuery Ajax XML

Web Programming

Anyone can claim that "I can program" but question arises how well are you competent in web programming ?
But there is a difference between "printing out a database table" and "writing a massive web application which can support millions of records". We are competent enough to handle the later and we have already done that in past.

Database Platforms

Perhaps more important than knowledge about specific database platforms, we have years of experience in relational database design and implementation.
The greatest database system in the world will be proved ineffective if it isn't designed properly, and designing good databases needs years of experience and to be honest years of making mistakes and learning from them.

We are having experience in following database platforms

MySQL MS SQL Server Microsoft Access SQLLite Oracle